Authentic You 

with Cindy Childress, Ph.D.

Six stories every entrepreneur should be telling

$597 Standard or $2497 VIP

Six Weeks.

Six Stories.

Infinite Possibilities.

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Your everyday stories can be your biggest sales tools

Ever read a story from a colleague or hear them speak from a stage and think, I could've totally written that? or, I wish I could've written that?

Don't let that happen again.

If you feel like don't have interesting stories or that you have interesting stories you don't know how to share... you're in the right place.  

It's time for you to write your authentic, true stories so you powerfully connect with your people.

I created this 6-week course so you can quickly write your best anecdotes and turning points to show you as the genuine thought leader or expert you're becoming.

Starting with the first session, you'll:

  • Generate stories for your book and your business to make people love you, trust you, and buy from you
  • Better understand yourself and your experiences so you can share them to inspire others
  • Turn mistakes into learning moments to show up with more authenticity in your business
  • Practice writing habits that will have you churning stories out like Stephen King
  • Master writing tools to crush writer’s block and unlock your creativity so you write your stories as good as they sound in your head
  • Turn your life experiences into memorable, engaging stories you'll want to immediately share


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I always tell myself, that nobody would want to read a book written by me. Until today. Today I told myself, 'maybe they would.' Thank you, Cindy. I always will be your biggest fan.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

"I can think of nothing really to improve the course. The content was spot on."

Stop saying you're going to write your stories someday and write FAST

Your writing habit starts here

Give yourself this time to write every week so you don’t keep putting off your writing.

That won't write itself, and whether you've got a memoir, business book, or aren't sure yet what kind of book it might be... you'll have to write stories. A lot of them.

The great news is, as you write them, you can also test them in a blog, social media caption, newsletter, podcast, or video.

When you get feedback on what people liked most or found confusing, you'll have more ideas for additional stories and how to better shape those ideas into your book.

If you want to write your stories and get your genius ideas out there, I'm your best bet.

I created Authentic You for entrepreneurs to blow people's minds with your writing based on my doctoral research, because no one else is teaching what I know about how you can:

  • Stop staring at a blank screen and follow proven formulas to quickly write engaging stories
  • Get those great ideas out of your head and re-energize your writing to grow your authority
  • Grow your story skills to use dialogue, setting, plot, character, and details so you never write a boring story
  • Keep your writing momentum and re-use the story templates to create more engaging stories... to fill a book or keep your CRM scheduled with awesome content

I taught this content to Hewlett-Packard Enterprises, and their technical writers wrote amazing stories about software in just 15 minutes. Imagine what you can write.

Psst! The Elevator Pitch Makeover Jam is worth more than the course alone. 

Ready for me to show you how to write amazing stories in 15 minutes?

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You helped me move the dial, Cindy

"The difference between telling a story that’s ‘interesting’ and one that’s powerful and impactful may only be in changing a handful of sentences. However, that minor adjustment may actually take something from moving the dial by millimeters versus moving it by miles. Your comments helped move the dial by miles… "

—Lauren Williams, Global Media Fusion

Stop staring at a blank screen and write (at least) six amazing stories in six weeks


Here's what  Authentic You includes:


6-week writing class that helps business owners write their stories by unlocking your creativity:
  • Six 60-minute live, recorded classes on Zoom
  • Six 60-minute live "write with me" quiet times on Zoom
  • Each class, I present a writing craft tool like story arc, dialogue, setting, character development, etc.
  • We explore a story type, like say, a time when you thought you were right and then realized you were wrong (people love those stories), we do a brainstorming activity to jog your memory, and you have time to write a story
  • Lifetime access to the weekly handouts and class recordings
  • Facebook group where you can share your writing and network with your classmates
  • I'll go live in the group to answer questions and provide ongoing support--plus celebrate your WINS
Weekly Topics:
  • Finding your stories worth telling: Your Happy Place
  • How to not tell it just like it happened: Rewrite History
  • How to give perspective and not overplay your hand: Tell it 2 Ways
  • Understand your leap so you can lead others through it: Transformational Tale
  • Meaning in repetition: What The Story You Always Tell Really Means
  • Fill in the gaps: Give Speech to Your Silence

Success Story is an amazing program you can use to quickly crank out stories for your book and re-purpose them in newsletters, blogs, and social media captions in the meantime.


Save your Seat NOW

Want me to mentor you 1-1 with editing suggestions and feedback on your writing?


Limited Offer: VIP Writing Workshop
Share what you're writing and get my constructive feedback.

There's no other way for you to work with me on small-batch 500-1000-word pieces except this limited VIP Authentic You offer:

  • Limited to five writers
  • Six weekly 120-min Master of Fine Arts-style private workshops where I give you editing feedback on up to 1,000 words each session and you share your writing with others.
  • A one-hour 1-1 conversation to discuss your writing and how to make it work for your writing project
  • You get the private workshop recordings, along with my feedback on your story in a Google Doc with track changes

Plus, you get everything in Authentic You.

Valued $5000

I'm offering it for $2497.

It's a crazy offer. If you want it, I'd snatch it up before the other five people get to it first.

Save your VIP Seat

Here's Your Bonuses

Live Video Call: Power Pitch Makeover Hot Seats ($500 value)

    • First 6 Standard students a hot seat, all invited to observe and get the recording
    • All VIP Students guaranteed a hot seat

You'll learn all my juicy secrets about elevator pitches I shared at Laura Belgray's Shrimp Club Retreat, plus get my attention on finding your perfect words to be memorable for awesomeness, not awkwardness.

A-List Writers Literary Salon (fame is priceless)

We'll wrap up the class with a Virtual Salon where every participant will be invited to share a brief excerpt of your work.

VIP students will be invited to read first.

Invite your friends and brag that not only are you a writer now FOR SURE, but you've even been featured in a showcase.

I'll teach you everything you need to know to read your story and keep the audience drooling over your every word.

Just what writing genius came up with this, anyway?

Dr. Cindy, The Expert's Ghostwriter

Hi! I ghostwrite and edit bestselling books for entrepreneurs who want to make money and an impact. My clients have gone on to give TEDx talks, be fully booked coaches, and win book awards. My 16th client just launched her book, and I co-authored The Logical Law of Attraction (2020) with Helen Racz.

I designed the Story Success program based on my doctoral research about writing as healing and my The Write Your Book BlueprintTM framework I created and used with more than 100 authors.

Telling a transformational story is as much about what happened as how you tell it, and it's my mission to help people find the words to tell their stories with maximum impact. (and I do have a Ph. D. in English)

I also teach writing classes at Writespace Houston, and my husband and I enjoy fostering dogs and cats with Citizens for Animal Protection.

**10% of every sale goes to my Underserved Entrepreneur scholarship fund. When it hits $5K, I will donate that sum and match it in writing services for an entrepreneur in the developing world with The Off-Ramp 501c-3**

The rest is up to you...

You can keep watching webinars about being an author and waiting because that's easier.

Find an online book writing program that's fully automated so you can always start it, or never start it.

Attend a weekend event for authors and come home inspired, but without actually writing anything.

If you want to wait, the next time I offer this program the cost is likely to double.

Maybe instead of writing your stories yourself, you'd like to pay me more than $30k to ghostwrite it (happy to discuss that!).

Or ... 

You can reserve your seat now and instantly enroll via Credit Card.

You'll immediately get a welcome email with a Nice to Meet You form so I can learn about your goals for the course.

You'll get an invitation to the Facebook Group and Calendly invites to quickly put the sessions on your calendar.

By the end of the first session, you'll have a new story to share, and by the end of the course, you'll have six awesome stories and a clear path ahead to continue being the writer you always knew you could be.

Start the course

Praise for
Dr. Cindy's Teaching

"Thanks to Dr. Cindy for the gift of reminding us that providing detailed descriptions of settings, characters and senses really does anchor the story we're looking to tell.

Tried it with today's prompt she gave us, and it was amazing to see how quickly it set the stage!"